Sub-Domain: Disease or Treatment Related Events
CRF: PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity
CDE ID | CDE Name | Variable Name | Definition | Short Description | Additional Notes (Question Text) | Permissible Values | Description | Data Type | Disease Specific Instructions | Disease Specific Reference | Population | Classification (e.g., Core) | Version Number | Version Date | CRF Name (CRF Module / Guideline) | Sub Domain Name | Domain Name | Size | Input Restrictions | Min Value | Max Value | Measurement Type | Source | Form Set | Form | Field | Domain | CDASH Variable | CDASH Definition | CDASH Label | Controlled Terminology | Prompt | Essentiality | Question Text | CDASH imp guidance | SDTM IG target | csDSR | PhenX | Data Type | CRF Completion Inst | SDTMIG Target Var | SDTMIG Target Map | Codelist Name | PVs | Pre Pop Value | Query Display | List Style |
C54840 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity sing hum scale | PROMISDysSvSngHumScl | Scale related to the individual being able to sing or hum, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to sing or hum, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Singing or humming | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54807 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity walk half mile scale | PROMISDysSevWlkHlfMlScl | Scale related to the individual being able to walk 1/2 mile (almost 1 km) without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to walk 1/2 mile (almost 1 km) without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Walking (faster than your usual speed) for 1/2 mle (almost 1 km) without stopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54820 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity lift weight 5 10 pound scale | PROMISDysSevLftWg510PndScl | Scale related to the individual being able to lift something weighing 5-10 pounds (about 2-4.5 kg, like a basket of clothes), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to lift something weighing 5-10 pounds (about 2-4.5 kg, like a basket of clothes), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Lifting something weighing 5-10 lbs (about 2-4.5 kg, like a basket of clothes) | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54842 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity talk while walk scale | PROMISDysSvTlkWhlWlkScl | Scale related to the individual being able to talk while walking, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to talk while walking, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Talking while walking | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54809 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity take bath scale | PROMISDysSevTkBthScl | Scale related to the individual being able to take a bath without help, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to take a bath without help, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Taking a bath without help | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54821 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity lift weight more 20 pound scale | PROMISDysSevLftWgMr20PndScl | Scale related to the individual being able to lift something weighing more than 20 pounds (about 9 kg, like a medium-sized suitcase), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to lift something weighing more than 20 pounds (about 9 kg, like a medium-sized suitcase), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Lifting something weighing more than 20 lbs (about 9 kg, like a medium-sized suitcase) | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54781 | PROMIS Dsypnea severity dress yourself scale | PROMISDysSevDrsYrslfScl | Scale related to the individual being able to dress themselves without help, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to dress themselves without help, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Dressing yourself without help | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54845 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity scrub floor counter scale | PROMISDysSvScrbFlrCntrScl | Scale related to the individual being able to scrub the floor or counter, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to scrub the floor or counter, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scrubbing the floor or counter | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54811 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity take shower scale | PROMISDysSevTkShwrScl | Scale related to the individual being able to take a shower, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to take a shower, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Taking a shower | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54823 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity carry weight less 5 pound room to room scale | PROMISDysCrryWgLs5PndRmToRmScl | Scale related to the individual being able to carry something weighing less than 5 pounds (about 2 kg, like a houseplant) from one room to another, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to carry something weighing less than 5 pounds (about 2 kg, like a houseplant) from one room to another, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Carrying something weighing less than 5 lbs (about 2 kg, like a houseplant) from one room to another | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54791 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity walk 50 pace scale | PROMISDysSevWlk50PcScl | Scale related to the individual being able to walk 50 steps/paces on flat ground at a normal speed without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to walk 50 steps/paces on flat ground at a normal speed without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Walking 50 steps/paces on flat ground at a normal speed without stopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54812 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity put on sock stocking scale | PROMISDysSevPtOnSckStckScl | Scale related to the individual being able to put on socks or stockings, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to put on socks or stockings, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Taking a shower | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54825 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity carry weight 5 10 pound room to room scale | PROMISDysCrryWg510PnRmToRmScl | Scale related to the individual being able to carry something weighing 5-10 pounds (about 2-4.5 kg, like a basket of clothes) from one room to another, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to carry something weighing 5-10 pounds (about 2-4.5 kg, like a basket of clothes) from one room to another, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Carrying something weighing 5-10 lbs (about 2-4.5 kg, like a basket of clothes) from one room to another | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54792 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity walk 20 stair scale | PROMISDysSevWlk20StrScl | Scale related to the individual being able to walk up 20 stairs (2 flights) without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to walk up 20 stairs (2 flights) without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Walking up 20 stairs (2 flights) without stopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54813 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity stand five minute scale | PROMISDysSevStndFvMnScl | Scale related to the individual being able to stand for at least 5 minutes, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to stand for at least 5 minutes, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Standing for at least 5 minutes | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54827 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity get in car scale | PROMISDysSvGtInCrScl | Scale related to the individual being able to get in or out of a car, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to get in or out of a car, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Getting in or out of a car | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54794 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity prepare meal scale | PROMISDysSevPrpMlScl | Scale related to the individual being able to prepare meals, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to prepare meals, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Preparing meals | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54814 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity walk 10 step normal speed scale | PROMISDysSevWlk10StpNrmlSpScl | Scale related to the individual being able to walk 10 steps/paces on flat ground at a normal speed without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to walk 10 steps/paces on flat ground at a normal speed without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Walkinng 10 steps/paces on flat ground at a normal speed without stopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54828 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity low intensity leisure activity scale | PROMISDysSvLwIntLsrActScl | Scale related to the individual being able to do low-intensity leisure activity (gardening, etc.), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to do low-intensity leisure activity (gardening, etc.), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Low-intensity leisure activity (gardening, etc.) | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54796 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity wash dish scale | PROMISDysSevWshDshScl | Scale related to the individual being able to wash dishes, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to wash dishes, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Washing dishes | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54815 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity walk half mile normal speed scale | PROMISDysSevWlkHfMlStpNmlSpScl | Scale related to the individual being able to walk half mile (almost 1 km) on flat ground at a normal speed without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to walk half mile (almost 1 km) on flat ground at a normal speed without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Walking 1/2 mile (almost 1 km) on flat ground at a normal speed without stopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54833 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity dine out scale | PROMISDysSvDneOutScl | Scale related to the individual being able to dine out, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to dine out, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Dining out | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54798 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity sweep mop scale | PROMISDysSevSwpMpScl | Scale related to the individual being able to sweep or mop, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to sweep or mop, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Sweeping or mopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54816 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity walk up 5 stair scale | PROMISDysSevWlkUp5StrScl | Scale related to the individual being able to walk up 5 stairs without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to walk up 5 stairs without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Walking up 5 stairs without stopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54835 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity moderate intensity leisure activity scale | PROMISDysSvModIntLsrActScl | Scale related to the individual being able to do moderate-intensity leisure activity (bicycling on level terrain, etc.), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to do moderate-intensity leisure activity (bicycling on level terrain, etc.), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Moderate-intensity leisure activity (bicycling on level terrain, etc.) | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54799 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity make bed scale | PROMISDysSevMkBdScl | Scale related to the individual being able to make a bed, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to make a bed, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Making a bed | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54817 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity walk up 10 stair scale | PROMISDysSevWlkUp10StrScl | Scale related to the individual being able to walk up 10 stairs (1 flight) without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to walk up 10 stairs (1 flight) without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Walking up 10 stairs (1 flight) without stopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54836 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity walk 50 step no stop scale | PROMISDysSvWlk50StepNoStpScl | Scale related to the individual being able to walk for 50 steps without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to walk for 50 steps without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Walking (faster than your usual speed) for 50 steps without stopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54800 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity lift 10 20 pound scale | PROMISDysSevLft1020PndScl | Scale related to the individual being able to lift something weighing 10-20 pounds (about 4.5-9 kilograms, like a large bag of groceries), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to lift something weighing 10-20 pounds (about 4.5-9 kilograms, like a large bag of groceries), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Lifting something weighing 10-20 lbs (about 4.5-9 kg, like a large bag of groceries) | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54818 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity walk up 30 stair scale | PROMISDysSevWlkUp30StrScl | Scale related to the individual being able to walk up 30 stairs (3 flights) without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to walk up 30 stairs (3 flights) without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Walking up 30 stairs (3 flights) without stopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54839 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity walk 1 mile no stop scale | PROMISDysSvWlkOneMlNoStpScl | Scale related to the individual being able to walk (faster than your usual speed) for at least 1 mile (a little more than 1.5 km) without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to walk (faster than your usual speed) for at least 1 mile (a little more than 1.5 km) without stopping, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Walking (faster than your usual speed) for at least 1 mile ( a little more than 1.5 km) without stopping | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54805 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity lift 10 20 pound from room to room scale | PROMISDysSevLt1020PdFmRmTRmScl | Scale related to the individual being able to lift something weighing 10-20 pounds (about 4.5-9 kilograms, like a large bag of groceries) from one room to another, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to lift something weighing 10-20 pounds (about 4.5-9 kilograms, like a large bag of groceries) from one room to another, as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Lifting something weighing 10-20 lbs (about 4.5-9 kg, like a large bag of groceries) from one room to another | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54819 | PROMIS - Dyspnea severity lift weight less 5 pound scale | PROMISDysSevLftWgLs5PndScl | Scale related to the individual being able to lift something weighing less than 5 pounds (about 2 kg, like a houseplant), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Scale related to the individual being able to lift something weighing less than 5 pounds (about 2 kg, like a houseplant), as part of the PROMIS Dyspnea Severity | Lifting something weighing less than 5 lbs (about 2 kg, like a houseplant) | 0;1;2;3;X | No shortness of breath;Mildly short of breath;Moderately short of breath;Severely short of breath;I did not do this in the past 7 days | Alphanumeric | Adult | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-04-12 10:47:21.0 | PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity | Disease or Treatment Related Events | Lung |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |