CDE Detailed Report
Disease: Sickle Cell Disease
Sub-Domain: Additional Proposed Instruments
CRF: PhenX Toolkit: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease

9 results.
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Additional Notes (Question Text) Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guideline) Sub Domain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type Source Form Set Form Field Domain CDASH Variable CDASH Definition CDASH Label Controlled Terminology Prompt Essentiality Question Text CDASH imp guidance SDTM IG target csDSR PhenX Data Type CRF Completion Inst SDTMIG Target Var SDTMIG Target Map Codelist Name PVs Pre Pop Value Query Display List Style
C59382 Control frequency timing tiredness sure scale CtrlFrqTimngTirdnssSurScl Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can control the frequency or timing of his or her tiredness Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can control the frequency or timing of his or her tiredness How sure are you that you can control how often or when you get tired? 1;2;3;4;5 Not sure at all;Not sure;Neither;Sure;Very sure Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease (#820401) Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-02 14:25:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Self-Efficacy in SCD 5
C59383 Do something improve mood if depressed sure scale DoSmthgImpvMdIfDprssdSurScl Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can do something to improve his or her mood if he or she is depressed. Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can do something to improve his or her mood if he or she is depressed. How sure are you that you can do something to help yourself feel better if you are feeling sad or blue? 1;2;3;4;5 Not sure at all;Not sure;Neither;Sure;Very sure Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease (#820401) Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-02 14:25:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Self-Efficacy in SCD 6
C59384 Comparative management of daily life sure scale CompMgmtOfDlyLifSurScl Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can manage his or her daily life, as compared to other people with sickle cell disease Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can manage his or her daily life, as compared to other people with sickle cell disease As compared with other people with sickle cell disease, how sure are you that you can manage your life from day-to-day? 1;2;3;4;5 Not sure at all;Not sure;Neither;Sure;Very sure Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease (#820401) Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-02 14:25:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Self-Efficacy in SCD 7
C59385 Manage sickle cell symptom do things enjoy sure scale MngSCSympDoThngEnjySurScl Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can manage his or her sickle cell symptoms well enough to do the things he or she enjoys doing Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can manage his or her sickle cell symptoms well enough to do the things he or she enjoys doing How sure are you that you can manage your sickle cell disease symptoms so that you can do the things you enjoy doing? 1;2;3;4;5 Not sure at all;Not sure;Neither;Sure;Very sure Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease (#820401) Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-02 14:25:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Self-Efficacy in SCD 8
C59386 Deal with frustration have sickle cell disease sure scale DlWFrstrtnHvSCDSurScl Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can deal with the frustration of having sickle cell disease Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can deal with the frustration of having sickle cell disease How sure are you that you can deal with the frustration of having sickle cell disease? 1;2;3;4;5 Not sure at all;Not sure;Neither;Sure;Very sure Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease (#820401) Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-02 14:25:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Self-Efficacy in SCD 9
C59378 Do something cut down pain sure scale DoSmthgCtDwnPnSurScl Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can do something to substantially reduce the pain he or she feels Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can do something to substantially reduce the pain he or she feels How sure are you that you can do something to cut down on most of the pain? 1;2;3;4;5 Not sure at all;Not sure;Neither;Sure;Very sure Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease (#820401) Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-02 14:25:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Self-Efficacy in SCD 1
C59379 Keep doing most things daily sure scale KpDoMostThgnsDlySurScl Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can keep doing most of the things he or she does on a daily basis Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can keep doing most of the things he or she does on a daily basis How sure are you that you can keep doing most of the things you do day-to-day? 1;2;3;4;5 Not sure at all;Not sure;Neither;Sure;Very sure Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease (#820401) Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-02 14:25:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Self-Efficacy in SCD 2
C59380 Prevent sickle cell pain interfere sleep sure scale PrvtntSCPnIntrfrSleepSurScl Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can prevent sickle cell pain from interfering with his or her sleep Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can prevent sickle cell pain from interfering with his or her sleep How sure are you that you can keep sickle cell disease pain from interfering with your sleep? 1;2;3;4;5 Not sure at all;Not sure;Neither;Sure;Very sure Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease (#820401) Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-02 14:25:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Self-Efficacy in SCD 3
C59381 Reduce sickle cell pain method other than medication sure scale RdcSCPnMthOthrThnMdSurScl Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can reduce his or her sickle cell pain using methods other than medication Scale of the subject/participant's conviction that he or she can reduce his or her sickle cell pain using methods other than medication How sure are you that you can reduce your sickle cell disease pain by using methods other than taking medications? 1;2;3;4;5 Not sure at all;Not sure;Neither;Sure;Very sure Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease (#820401) Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-02 14:25:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Self-Efficacy in SCD 4
9 results.