CDE Detailed Report
Disease: Sickle Cell Disease
Sub-Domain: Additional Proposed Instruments
CRF: PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items

44 results.
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Additional Notes (Question Text) Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guideline) Sub Domain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type Source Form Set Form Field Domain CDASH Variable CDASH Definition CDASH Label Controlled Terminology Prompt Essentiality Question Text CDASH imp guidance SDTM IG target csDSR PhenX Data Type CRF Completion Inst SDTMIG Target Var SDTMIG Target Map Codelist Name PVs Pre Pop Value Query Display List Style
C59664 Amount things do friends happiness scale AmtThngsDoFrendHapinesScl Scale for the degree to which the subject/participant feels happy with the amount of things he or she does for his or her friends Scale for the degree to which the subject/participant feels happy with the amount of things he or she does for his or her friends I am happy with how much I do for my friends 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:26:28.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT36r1
C59643 Time spend leisure activity satisfied scale TimSpndLeisurActvtySatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends doing leisure activities. Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends doing leisure activities. I am satisfied with the amount of time I spend doing leisure activities 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 09:20:47.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT05r1
C59675 Ability do thing fun home satisfied scale AbltyDoThngFunHomSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do things for fun at home (such as reading, listening to music, etc.) Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do things for fun at home (such as reading, listening to music, etc.) I am satisfied with my ability to do things for fun at home (like reading, listening to music, etc.) 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:48:36.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT48r1
C59654 Amount things do family happiness scale AmtThngsDoFamlyHapinesScl Scale for the degree to which the subject/participant feels happy with the amount of things he or she does for his or her family Scale for the degree to which the subject/participant feels happy with the amount of things he or she does for his or her family I am happy with how much I do for my family 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:26:28.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT22r1
C59665 Time visit friend satisfied scale TimeVisitFriendSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends visiting friends Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends visiting friends I am satisfied with the amount of time I spend visiting friends 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:07:21.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT37r1
C59644 Time spend leisure activity others satisfied scale TimSpndLeisurActvtyOthSatisScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends doing leisure activities with others. Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends doing leisure activities with others. I am satisfied with the amount of time I spend doing leisure activities with others 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 09:20:47.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT05_CaPS
C59676 Ability perform daily routine satisfied scale AbltyPrfrmDalyRutineSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to perform his or her daily routines Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to perform his or her daily routines I am satisfied with my ability to perform my daily routines 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:51:55.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT49r1
C59655 Leisure activity ability do satisfied scale LeisurActvtyAbltyDoSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do leisure activities Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do leisure activities I am satisfied with my ability to do leisure activities 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:29:55.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT23r1
C59666 Time perform daily routine satisfied scale TimPerformDalyRutineSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends performing his or her daily routines Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends performing his or her daily routines I am satisfied with the amount of time I spend performing my daily routines 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:11:43.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT38r1
C59645 Ability do thing for family satisfied scale AbltyDoThngFrFmlySatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do things for his or her family. Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do things for his or her family. I am satisfied with my ability to do things for my family 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 09:29:12.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT06r1
C59677 Ability meet needs dependents satisfied scale AbltyMeetNeedDpndntSatScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to meet the needs of those people who depend upon him or her Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to meet the needs of those people who depend upon him or her I am satisfied with my ability to meet the needs of those who depend on me 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:54:23.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT50r1
C59656 Leisure activity with others ability do satisfied scale LeisActWOthAbltyDoSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do leisure activities with others Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do leisure activities with others I am satisfied with my ability to do leisure activities with others 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:29:55.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT23_CaPS
C59667 Time spend do thing for family satisfied scale TimSpndDoThngFrFamlySatScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends doing things for his or her family Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends doing things for his or her family I am satisfied with the amount of time I spend doing things for my family 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:15:16.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT38_CaPS
C59646 Work amount able do satisfied scale WorkAmtAbleDoSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of work he or she is able to do (including work at home) Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of work he or she is able to do (including work at home) I am satisfied with how much work I can do (include work at home) 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 09:58:49.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT07r1
C59678 Ability run errand satisfied scale AbltyRunErrndSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to run errands Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to run errands I am satisfied with my ability to run errands 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:57:03.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT51r1
C59657 Ability to work satisfied scale AbilityToWorkSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to work, including work at home Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to work, including work at home I am satisified with my ability to work (include work at home) 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:34:49.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT24r1
C59668 Household task ability do satisfied scale HoushldTskAbltyDoSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do household chores or tasks Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do household chores or tasks I am satisfied with my ability to do household chores/tasks 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:17:51.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT39r1
C59647 Ability do thing for family feel good scale AbltyDoThngFrFmlyFeelGoodScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant feels good about his or her ability to do things for his or her family Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant feels good about his or her ability to do things for his or her family I feel good about my ability to do things for my family 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:03:03.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT08r1
C59679 Ability run errand other people satisfied scale AbltyRunErrndOthPplSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to run errands for other people Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to run errands for other people I am satisfied with my ability to run errands for others 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:57:03.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT51_CaPS
C59658 Activity with friends current level satisfied scale ActvtyWFrndsCurrLvlSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her current level of activities with friends Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her current level of activities with friends I am satisfied with my current level of activities with my friends 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:38:03.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT25r1
C59669 Social activity group people extent satisfied scale SoclActvtyGrpPplExtntSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the extent of his or her social activities with groups of people Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the extent of his or her social activities with groups of people I am satisfied with the extent of my social activities with groups of people 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:32:23.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT41_CaPS
C59648 Ability do work important self satisfied scale AbltyDoWrkImptSelfSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do work that is important to him or herself, including work at home Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do work that is important to him or herself, including work at home I am satisfied with my ability to do the work that is really important to me (include work at home) 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:05:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT09r1
C59680 Ability do all important leisure activity satisfied scale AbltyDoAllImptLeisActSatScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do all of the leisure activities that are important to him or herself Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do all of the leisure activities that are important to him or herself I am satisfied with my ability to do all of the leisure activities that are really important to me 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 12:01:14.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT52r1
C59659 Activity with friends ability engage satisfied scale ActvtyWFrndsAbltyEngSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to engage in activities with friends Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to engage in activities with friends I am satisfied with my ability to engage in activities with friends 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:40:59.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT29_CaPS
C59638 Social activity outside home satisfied extent scale SoclActvOutsdHomSatisExtntScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the extent of his or her social activities outside his or her home. Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the extent of his or her social activities outside his or her home. I am satisfied with the extent of my social activities outside my home 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-18 14:30:35.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT17_CaPS
C59670 Ability keep touch people satisfied scale AbltyKeepTouchPplSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to keep in touch with other people Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to keep in touch with other people I am satisfied with my ability to keep in touch with others 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:36:05.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT43_CaPS
C59649 Social activity current level satisfied scale SoclActvtyCurrLvlSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her current level of social activity Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her current level of social activity I am satisfied with my current level of social activity 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:09:24.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT10r1
C59681 Ability do all important group activity satisfied scale AbltyDoAllImptGrpActSatScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do all of the group activities that are important to him or herself Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do all of the group activities that are important to him or herself I am satisfied with my ability to do all of the group activities that are really important to me 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 12:01:14.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT52_CaPS
C59660 Ability do fun thing outside home satisfied scale AbltyDoFnThngOtsdHmSatScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do things for fun outside his or her home Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do things for fun outside his or her home I am satisfied with my ability to do things for fun outside my home 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:43:31.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT33r1
C59639 Family activity current level satisfied scale FamlyActvtyCurrLvlSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her current level of family activities. Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her current level of family activities. I am satisfied with my current level of family activities 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-18 14:38:38.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items RP14_CaPS
C59671 Ability meet needs family satisfied scale AbltyMeetNeedFamlySatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to meet the needs of his or her family Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to meet the needs of his or her family I am satisfied with my ability to meet the needs of my family 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:40:28.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT45_CaPS
C59650 Family activity ability participate satisfied scale FamlyActvtyAbltyPtcptSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to participate in family activities Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to participate in family activities I am satisfied with my ability to participate in family activities 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:12:28.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT15_CaPS
C59661 Ability do fun thing with others satisfied scale AbltyDoFnThngWOthSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do things for fun with other people Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do things for fun with other people I am satisfied with my ability to do things for fun with others 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:46:30.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT33_CaPS
C59640 Ability maintain friendship satisfied scale AbltyMntnFrndshpSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to maintain friendships Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to maintain friendships I am satisfied with my ability to maintain friendships 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-18 14:43:12.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items RP7_CaPS
C59672 Ability meet needs friend satisfied scale AbltyMeetNeedFrndSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to meet the needs of his or her friends Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to meet the needs of his or her friends I am satisfied with my ability to meet the needs of my friends 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:40:28.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT46_CaPS
C59651 Community activity important self ability do satisfied scale CmtyActvtyImptSlfAbltyDoSatScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do all of the community activities that are important to him or herself Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do all of the community activities that are important to him or herself I am satisfied with my ability to do all of the community activities that are really important to me 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:15:33.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT19r1
C59662 Ability do thing for friend feel good scale AbltyDoThngFrFriendFelGodScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant feels good about his or her ability to do things for his or her friends Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant feels good about his or her ability to do things for his or her friends I feel good about my ability to do things for my friends 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:52:59.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT34r1
C59641 Go out entertainment frequency satisfied scale GoOutEntrtnmntFreqSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the frequency that he or she goes out for entertainment Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the frequency that he or she goes out for entertainment I am satisfied with how often I go out for entertainment 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-18 14:47:05.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT03_CaPS
C59673 Ability do regular personal household responsibility satisfied scale AblDoRegPersHshldRspnsSatScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do regular personal and household responsibilities Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do regular personal and household responsibilities I am satisfied with my ability to do regular personal and household responsibilities 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:44:07.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT47r1
C59652 Ability do things friends satisfied scale AbltyDoThngsFriendsSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do things for friends Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do things for friends I am satisfied with my ability to do things for my friends 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:19:18.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT20r1
C59663 Work quality good as desire scale WorkQualGoodAsDesireScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant thinks the quality of his or her work (including work at home) is as good as he or she desires Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant thinks the quality of his or her work (including work at home) is as good as he or she desires The quality of my work is as good as I want it to be (include work at home) 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:55:39.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT35r1
C59642 Ability socialize friends satisfied scale AbltySoclizFrndsSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to socialize with friends Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to socialize with friends I am satisfied with my ability to socialize with friends 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-18 14:50:10.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT04_CaPS
C59674 Ability do regular personal responsibility satisfied scale AblDoRegPersRspnsSatScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do regular personal responsibilities Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with his or her ability to do regular personal responsibilities I am satisfied with my ability to do regular personal responsibilities 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 11:44:07.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT47_CaPS
C59653 Time spend do work satisfied scale TimeSpendDoWorkSatisfScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends doing work, including work at home Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant is satisfied with the amount of time he or she spends doing work, including work at home I am satisfied with the amount of time I spend doing work (include work at home) 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-06-19 10:23:36.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items Additional Proposed Instruments PROMIS

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities - Calibrated Items SRPSAT21r1
44 results.