Sub-Domain: Outcomes and End Points
CRF: Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS)
CDE ID | CDE Name | Variable Name | Definition | Short Description | Additional Notes (Question Text) | Permissible Values | Description | Data Type | Disease Specific Instructions | Disease Specific Reference | Population | Classification (e.g., Core) | Version Number | Version Date | CRF Name (CRF Module / Guideline) | Sub Domain Name | Domain Name | Size | Input Restrictions | Min Value | Max Value | Measurement Type | Source | Form Set | Form | Field | Domain | CDASH Variable | CDASH Definition | CDASH Label | Controlled Terminology | Prompt | Essentiality | Question Text | CDASH imp guidance | SDTM IG target | csDSR | PhenX | Data Type | CRF Completion Inst | SDTMIG Target Var | SDTMIG Target Map | Codelist Name | PVs | Pre Pop Value | Query Display | List Style |
C11593 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - general strain factor mean value | CGBSGenStrainFactorMeanVal | General strain factor is calculated value obtained as the mean value of questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 19 (range 1-4) | General strain factor is calculated as the mean value of questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 19 (range 1-4) | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Free-Form Entry |
1 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C11572 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - isolated relative problem scale | CGBSIsolatRelatProbScale | Scale of feeling lonely and isolated because of the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of feeling lonely and isolated because of the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you feel lonely and isolated because of your relative's problem? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11583 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - physically trying care relative scale | CGBSPhyTryCareRelatScale | Scale of subject/participant's finding of physically trying to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's finding of physically trying to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you find it physically trying to take care of your relative? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11594 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - isolation factor mean value | CGBSIsolationFactorMeanVal | Isolation factor is calculated value obtained as the mean value of questions 8, 12, and 22 (range 1-4) | Isolation factor is calculated as the mean value of questions 8, 12, and 22 (range 1-4) | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Free-Form Entry |
1 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C11573 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - responsibility relative welfare scale | CGBSRespRelatWelfScale | Scale of thinking of having to shoulder too much responsibility for the relative's welfare as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of thinking of having to shoulder too much responsibility for the relative's welfare as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you think you have to shoulder too much responsibility for your relative's welfare? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11584 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - insufficient time self | CGBSInsufficTimeSelfScale | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of insufficient time for self due to spending so much time with the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of insufficient time for self due to spending so much time with the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you think you spend so much time with your relative that the time for yourself is insufficient? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11595 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - disappointment factor mean value | CGBSDisappointFactorMeanVal | Disappointment factor is calculated value obtained as the mean value of questions 2, 13, 18, 20, and 21 (range 1-4) | Disappointment factor is calculated as the mean value of questions 2, 13, 18, 20, and 21 (range 1-4) | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Free-Form Entry |
1 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C11574 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - run away scale | CGBSRunAwayScale | Scale of subject/participant's feeling that he/she would like to run away from the entire situation he/she finds him/herself in as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling that he/she would like to run away from the entire situation he/she finds him/herself in as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you sometimes feel as if you would like to run away from the entire situation you find yourself in? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11585 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - worry relative not properly cared scale | CGBSWorryRelatNotPropCaredScl | Scale of subject/participant's worrying about not taking care of his/her relative in the proper way as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's worrying about not taking care of his/her relative in the proper way as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you worry about not taking care of your relative in the proper way? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11596 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - emotional involvement factor mean value | CGBSEmotInvolvFactorMeanVal | Emotional involvement factor is calculated value obtained as the mean value of questions 6, 11, and 16 (range 1-4) | Emotional involvement factor is calculated as the mean value of questions 6, 11, and 16 (range 1-4) | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Free-Form Entry |
1 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C11575 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - facing problems relative care difficult solve scale | CGBSFcngProbRltvCareDffSlvScl | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of finding him/herself facing purely practical problems in the care of the relative that are difficult to solve as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of finding him/herself facing purely practical problems in the care of the relative that are difficult to solve as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you find yourself facing purely practical problems in the care of your relative that you think are difficult to solve? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11586 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - ashamed relative behavior scale | CGBSAshmedRelatBehvScale | Scale of subject/participant's feeling being ashamed sometimes of the relative's behavior as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling being ashamed sometimes of the relative's behavior as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Are you sometimes ashamed of your relative's behavior? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11597 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - environment factor mean value | CGBSEnvironmtFactorMeanVal | Environment factor is calculated value obtained as the mean value of questions 9, 15, and 17 (range 1-4) | Environment factor is calculated as the mean value of questions 9, 15, and 17 (range 1-4) | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Free-Form Entry |
1 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C11576 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - offended relative scale | CGBSOffendedRelatScale | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of being offended and angry with the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of being offended and angry with the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you ever feel offended and angry with your relative? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11587 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - neighborhood trouble care relative scale | CGBSNeighbrTroubCareRelatScale | Scale of subject/participant's feeling about the relative's neighborhood that makes it troublesome for him/her to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling about the relative's neighborhood that makes it troublesome for him/her to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Is there anything in the neighborhood of your relative's home making it troublesome for you to take care of your relative? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11577 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - own health suffer care relative scale | CGBSOwnHlthSufferCareRelatScl | Scale of subject/participant's feeling about own health suffering because of taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling about own health suffering because of taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you think your own health has suffered because you have been taking care of your relative? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11588 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - economic sacrifice relative care scale | CGBSEcnomSacrfCareRelatScale | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of having experienced economic sacrifice because of taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of having experienced economic sacrifice because of taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Have you experienced economic sacrifice because you have been taking care of your relative? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11578 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - social life lessened scale | CGBSSocialLifeLessenedScale | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of lessened social life with family or friends as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of lessened social life with family or friends as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Has your social life, e.g. with family and friends, been lessened? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11589 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - mentally trying care relative scale | CGBSMentTryCareRelatScale | Scale of subject/participant's finding of mentally trying to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's finding of mentally trying to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you find it mentally trying to take care of your relative? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11579 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - physical environment trouble care relative scale | CGBSPhyEnvirTroubCareRelatScl | Scale of subject/participant's feeling about physical environment troublesome for taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling about physical environment troublesome for taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Does the physical environment make it troublesome for you taking care of your relative? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11590 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - feel life unfair you scale | CGBSFeelLifeUnfairYouScale | Scale of subject/participant's feeling that life has treated him/her unfairly as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling that life has treated him/her unfairly as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Have you a feeling that life has treated you unfairly? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11580 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - feel tied down relative problem scale | CGBSFeelTiedDownRelatProbScale | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of tied down by the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of tied down by the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you feel tied down by your relative's problem? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11591 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - expected life different scale | CGBSExpectedLifeDiffScale | Scale of subject/participant's expectation that life would be different from it is as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's expectation that life would be different from it is as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Had you expected that life would be different than it is at your age? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11581 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - embarrassed relative behavior scale | CGBSEmbarrsRelatBehvScale | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of being embarrassed by the relative's behavior as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling of being embarrassed by the relative's behavior as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you feel embarrassed by your relative's behaviour? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11592 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - avoid inviting home relative problem | CGBSAvoidInvtHomeRelatProbScl | Scale of subject/participant's avoiding inviting friends and acquaintances home because of the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's avoiding inviting friends and acquaintances home because of the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you avoid inviting friends and acquaintances home because of your relative's problem? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11571 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - tired scale | CGBSTiredScale | Scale of feeling tired and worn out as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of feeling tired and worn out as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Do you feel tired and worn out? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11582 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - relative problem prevented life plans scale | CGBSRelatProbPrevntLfePlanScl | Scale of subject/participant's feeling that the relative's problem prevented him/her from doing what had been planned in the phase of his/her life as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Scale of subject/participant's feeling that the relative's problem prevented him/her from doing what had been planned in the phase of his/her life as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form | Has your relative's problem prevented you from doing what you had planned to do in this phase of your life? | 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 | Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often | Numeric Values |
Refer to instructions on form. |
ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. | Adult | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) | Outcomes and End Points | Caregiver Burden |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |