CDE Detailed Report
Disease: Sickle Cell Disease
Sub-Domain: Outcomes and End Points
CRF: Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS)

27 results.
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Additional Notes (Question Text) Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guideline) Sub Domain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type Source Form Set Form Field Domain CDASH Variable CDASH Definition CDASH Label Controlled Terminology Prompt Essentiality Question Text CDASH imp guidance SDTM IG target csDSR PhenX Data Type CRF Completion Inst SDTMIG Target Var SDTMIG Target Map Codelist Name PVs Pre Pop Value Query Display List Style
C11593 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - general strain factor mean value CGBSGenStrainFactorMeanVal General strain factor is calculated value obtained as the mean value of questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 19 (range 1-4) General strain factor is calculated as the mean value of questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 19 (range 1-4) Numeric Values

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ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

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C11572 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - isolated relative problem scale CGBSIsolatRelatProbScale Scale of feeling lonely and isolated because of the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of feeling lonely and isolated because of the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you feel lonely and isolated because of your relative's problem? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11583 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - physically trying care relative scale CGBSPhyTryCareRelatScale Scale of subject/participant's finding of physically trying to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's finding of physically trying to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you find it physically trying to take care of your relative? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11594 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - isolation factor mean value CGBSIsolationFactorMeanVal Isolation factor is calculated value obtained as the mean value of questions 8, 12, and 22 (range 1-4) Isolation factor is calculated as the mean value of questions 8, 12, and 22 (range 1-4) Numeric Values

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ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

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C11573 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - responsibility relative welfare scale CGBSRespRelatWelfScale Scale of thinking of having to shoulder too much responsibility for the relative's welfare as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of thinking of having to shoulder too much responsibility for the relative's welfare as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you think you have to shoulder too much responsibility for your relative's welfare? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11584 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - insufficient time self CGBSInsufficTimeSelfScale Scale of subject/participant's feeling of insufficient time for self due to spending so much time with the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling of insufficient time for self due to spending so much time with the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you think you spend so much time with your relative that the time for yourself is insufficient? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11595 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - disappointment factor mean value CGBSDisappointFactorMeanVal Disappointment factor is calculated value obtained as the mean value of questions 2, 13, 18, 20, and 21 (range 1-4) Disappointment factor is calculated as the mean value of questions 2, 13, 18, 20, and 21 (range 1-4) Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

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C11574 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - run away scale CGBSRunAwayScale Scale of subject/participant's feeling that he/she would like to run away from the entire situation he/she finds him/herself in as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling that he/she would like to run away from the entire situation he/she finds him/herself in as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you sometimes feel as if you would like to run away from the entire situation you find yourself in? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11585 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - worry relative not properly cared scale CGBSWorryRelatNotPropCaredScl Scale of subject/participant's worrying about not taking care of his/her relative in the proper way as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's worrying about not taking care of his/her relative in the proper way as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you worry about not taking care of your relative in the proper way? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11596 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - emotional involvement factor mean value CGBSEmotInvolvFactorMeanVal Emotional involvement factor is calculated value obtained as the mean value of questions 6, 11, and 16 (range 1-4) Emotional involvement factor is calculated as the mean value of questions 6, 11, and 16 (range 1-4) Numeric Values

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ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

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C11575 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - facing problems relative care difficult solve scale CGBSFcngProbRltvCareDffSlvScl Scale of subject/participant's feeling of finding him/herself facing purely practical problems in the care of the relative that are difficult to solve as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling of finding him/herself facing purely practical problems in the care of the relative that are difficult to solve as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you find yourself facing purely practical problems in the care of your relative that you think are difficult to solve? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11586 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - ashamed relative behavior scale CGBSAshmedRelatBehvScale Scale of subject/participant's feeling being ashamed sometimes of the relative's behavior as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling being ashamed sometimes of the relative's behavior as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Are you sometimes ashamed of your relative's behavior? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11597 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - environment factor mean value CGBSEnvironmtFactorMeanVal Environment factor is calculated value obtained as the mean value of questions 9, 15, and 17 (range 1-4) Environment factor is calculated as the mean value of questions 9, 15, and 17 (range 1-4) Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

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C11576 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - offended relative scale CGBSOffendedRelatScale Scale of subject/participant's feeling of being offended and angry with the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling of being offended and angry with the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you ever feel offended and angry with your relative? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11587 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - neighborhood trouble care relative scale CGBSNeighbrTroubCareRelatScale Scale of subject/participant's feeling about the relative's neighborhood that makes it troublesome for him/her to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling about the relative's neighborhood that makes it troublesome for him/her to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Is there anything in the neighborhood of your relative's home making it troublesome for you to take care of your relative? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11577 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - own health suffer care relative scale CGBSOwnHlthSufferCareRelatScl Scale of subject/participant's feeling about own health suffering because of taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling about own health suffering because of taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you think your own health has suffered because you have been taking care of your relative? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11588 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - economic sacrifice relative care scale CGBSEcnomSacrfCareRelatScale Scale of subject/participant's feeling of having experienced economic sacrifice because of taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling of having experienced economic sacrifice because of taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Have you experienced economic sacrifice because you have been taking care of your relative? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11578 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - social life lessened scale CGBSSocialLifeLessenedScale Scale of subject/participant's feeling of lessened social life with family or friends as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling of lessened social life with family or friends as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Has your social life, e.g. with family and friends, been lessened? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11589 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - mentally trying care relative scale CGBSMentTryCareRelatScale Scale of subject/participant's finding of mentally trying to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's finding of mentally trying to take care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you find it mentally trying to take care of your relative? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11579 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - physical environment trouble care relative scale CGBSPhyEnvirTroubCareRelatScl Scale of subject/participant's feeling about physical environment troublesome for taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling about physical environment troublesome for taking care of the relative as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Does the physical environment make it troublesome for you taking care of your relative? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11590 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - feel life unfair you scale CGBSFeelLifeUnfairYouScale Scale of subject/participant's feeling that life has treated him/her unfairly as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling that life has treated him/her unfairly as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Have you a feeling that life has treated you unfairly? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11580 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - feel tied down relative problem scale CGBSFeelTiedDownRelatProbScale Scale of subject/participant's feeling of tied down by the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling of tied down by the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you feel tied down by your relative's problem? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11591 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - expected life different scale CGBSExpectedLifeDiffScale Scale of subject/participant's expectation that life would be different from it is as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's expectation that life would be different from it is as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Had you expected that life would be different than it is at your age? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11581 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - embarrassed relative behavior scale CGBSEmbarrsRelatBehvScale Scale of subject/participant's feeling of being embarrassed by the relative's behavior as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling of being embarrassed by the relative's behavior as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you feel embarrassed by your relative's behaviour? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11592 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - avoid inviting home relative problem CGBSAvoidInvtHomeRelatProbScl Scale of subject/participant's avoiding inviting friends and acquaintances home because of the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's avoiding inviting friends and acquaintances home because of the relative's problem as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you avoid inviting friends and acquaintances home because of your relative's problem? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11571 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - tired scale CGBSTiredScale Scale of feeling tired and worn out as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of feeling tired and worn out as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Do you feel tired and worn out? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C11582 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) - relative problem prevented life plans scale CGBSRelatProbPrevntLfePlanScl Scale of subject/participant's feeling that the relative's problem prevented him/her from doing what had been planned in the phase of his/her life as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Scale of subject/participant's feeling that the relative's problem prevented him/her from doing what had been planned in the phase of his/her life as part of Caregiver Burden Scale form Has your relative's problem prevented you from doing what you had planned to do in this phase of your life? 1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4 Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often;Not at all;Seldom;Sometimes;Often Numeric Values

Refer to instructions on form.

ElmstÅhl S, Malmberg B, Annerstedt L. Caregivers burden of patients 3 years after stroke assessed by a novel Caregiver Burden Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 177-82. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Caregiver Burden Scale (CGBS) Outcomes and End Points Caregiver Burden

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

27 results.