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Ratings scales of ADHD symptoms and associated behaviors. Forms available for parent, teacher and self report.
The Conners Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition™ (Conners CPT 3™) is the result of four years of extensive product research and development. School psychologists, clinicians, psychiatrists, pediatricians, child protection agencies, and mental health workers can count on the Conners 3™ to be reliable and dependable tool capable of supporting them in the diagnostic and identification process.
Based on the solid findings and key elements of its predecessor, the Conners' Rating Scales–Revised (CRS–R™), the Conners 3™ offers a thorough assessment of ADHD. The Conners 3 now addresses comorbid disorders such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder. Each parent, teacher, and self-report form is available in fulllength and short versions.
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