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Scoring: The neurologic examination of the PSOM contains 115 test items ordered developmentally in the areas of behavior, mental status, cranial nerves, motor functions, sensory function, cerebellar function, and gait function. At the completion of the examination, a deficit severity score ranging from 0 (no deficit) to 2 (severe deficit) is assigned for each of five spheres: right sensorimotor (including motor, visual, hearing, and somatosensory function), left sensorimotor, language production, language comprehension, and cognitive and behavioral performance. The patient is assigned an overall Deficit Severity Score of normal, mild, moderate, or severe for each assessment, based on the combination of scores in the individual spheres of the PSOM.
Scoring for Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure (PSOM)
Adapted from (deVeber et al., 2000)
Good, Normal: Score = 0 in all five spheres?
Good, Mild deficit: Score = 0.5 in one sphere only
Poor, Moderate deficit: Score = 0.5 in two, three, or four spheres; Score = 1 in one sphere and 0.5 in one sphere; Score = 1 in one sphere only
Poor, Severe deficit: Score = 0.5 in all five spheres; Score = 1 in one sphere plus 0.5 in two spheres; Score = 1 in at least two spheres; Score = 2 in at least one sphere
0 = No impairment, normal function; 0.5 = minimal to mild impairment, normal function; 1 = moderate impairment, decreased function; 2 = severe impairment, loss of function.
?Right sensorimotor, left sensorimotor, language expressive, language comprehensive, and cognitive and behavior.
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